Dr. Lawrence R. Pomeroy, twelfth recipient of the A.G. Huntsman Award, is being recognized for his fundamental contributions to our understanding of the role of bacteria in the marine foodchain. Now Alumni Foundation Distinguished Professor in the Department of Zoology of the University of Georgia, he began his career at Rutgers University with investigations into the physiology of oysters. In 1954 he was appointed Assistant Professor at the University of Georgia and has remained at that institution throughout his distinguished career, except for a one-year appointment with the National Science Foundation in Washington. For the first decade of his research at Georgia, he helped develop the use of radioactive markers to trace the flow of phosphorus in the marine environment. Subsequently, he began his investigations into the ultra-small cells of the ocean and was first to demonstrate their significance in the overall marine food web. Dr. Pomeroy has remained at the leading edge of his line of research to this day, and continues to carry out active research into bacterial responses to temperature regimes and scarcity and abundance of bacterial food supplies.