The A.G. Huntsman Award is administered by the A.G. Huntsman Foundation, which is based at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Nova Scotia. The Foundation is organized as an independent, charitable, tax free foundation. Business of the Foundation is conducted by a Board of Directors and Executive Officers. The Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia serves as Honorary Patron of the Huntsman Foundation.
The A.G. Huntsman Award is presented annually by the Royal Society of Canada. The annual process of selecting a winner is conducted by a separate Selection Committee of Canadian marine scientists. The winner is usually announced in the summer and the award ceremony takes place in the late fall at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography.
The Award was created in 1980 under the leadership of scientists at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography. The original idea was conceived by Dr. John Vandermeulen, who was assisted by Dr. James Elliott and Dr. Bosko Loncarevic in making it a reality. The award is now recognized as a major international prize.
The A.G. Huntsman Award is funded principally by interest earned on financial contributions received from Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Natural Resources Canada, the Province of Nova Scotia, and the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers. Additional endowment was granted by the LiFT Family Fund through Gift Funds Canada.
The A.G. Huntsman Foundation is registered as a corporation pursuant to the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act S.C. 2009, c.23, including the Regulations made pursuant to the Act, and any statute or regulations that may be substituted, as amended from time to time.
The A.G. Huntsman Award is presented annually by the Royal Society of Canada. The annual process of selecting a winner is conducted by a separate Selection Committee of Canadian marine scientists. The winner is usually announced in the summer and the award ceremony takes place in the late fall at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography.
The Award was created in 1980 under the leadership of scientists at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography. The original idea was conceived by Dr. John Vandermeulen, who was assisted by Dr. James Elliott and Dr. Bosko Loncarevic in making it a reality. The award is now recognized as a major international prize.
The A.G. Huntsman Award is funded principally by interest earned on financial contributions received from Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Natural Resources Canada, the Province of Nova Scotia, and the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers. Additional endowment was granted by the LiFT Family Fund through Gift Funds Canada.
The A.G. Huntsman Foundation is registered as a corporation pursuant to the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act S.C. 2009, c.23, including the Regulations made pursuant to the Act, and any statute or regulations that may be substituted, as amended from time to time.
1980 - 1992 John H. Vandermeulen (Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
1993 - 1997 James A. Elliott (Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
1998 - 2002 Donald C. Gordon (Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
2003 - 2008 Alain F. Vézina (Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
2009 - 2012 Brian J. Todd (Natural Resources Canada)
2013 - 2015 Blair J.W. Greenan (Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
2016 - 2020 William K.W. Li (Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
2021 - XXXX Alice C. Ortmann (Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
1993 - 1997 James A. Elliott (Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
1998 - 2002 Donald C. Gordon (Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
2003 - 2008 Alain F. Vézina (Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
2009 - 2012 Brian J. Todd (Natural Resources Canada)
2013 - 2015 Blair J.W. Greenan (Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
2016 - 2020 William K.W. Li (Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
2021 - XXXX Alice C. Ortmann (Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
FRONT (Left to right) - William Li, Alain Vézina, Blair Greenan
BACK (Left to right) - Donald Gordon, Brian Todd
Photo credit - Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2019
BACK (Left to right) - Donald Gordon, Brian Todd
Photo credit - Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2019
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Alice Ortmann Fisheries and Oceans Canada Bedford Institute of Oceanography VICE PRESIDENT Mary-Lynn Dickson Natural Resources Canada Bedford Institute of Oceanography PAST PRESIDENT William Li Fisheries and Oceans Canada Bedford Institute of Oceanography DIRECTOR Michel Tremblay Academy of Science Royal Society of Canada |
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Kumiko Azetsu-Scott Fisheries and Oceans Canada Bedford Institute of Oceanography DIRECTOR Katja Fennel Department of Oceanography Dalhousie University DIRECTOR Anya Waite Ocean Frontier Institute Dalhousie University |
James Brenan Department of Earth Sciences Dalhousie University DIRECTOR Melanie Nadeau CEO Centre for Ocean Ventures & Entrepreneurship DIRECTOR Blair Greenan Fisheries and Oceans Canada Bedford Institute of Oceanography |
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Alice Ortmann Fisheries and Oceans Canada Bedford Institute of Oceanography VICE CEO Mary-Lynn Dickson Natural Resources Canada Bedford Institute of Oceanography |
Rod Doane Fisheries and Oceans Canada Bedford Institute of Oceanography SECRETARY Diana Cardoso Natural Resources Canada Bedford Institute of Oceanography |
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Daniel Duplisea (2019-2024) Pêches et Océans Canada Institut Maurice Lamontagne Mont Joli, QC PAST CHAIR Lisa Miller (2019-2024) Fisheries and Oceans Canada Institute of Ocean Sciences Sidney, BC |
Tetjana Ross (2020-2025) Fisheries and Oceans Canada Institute of Ocean Sciences Sidney, BC MEMBER Elisabeth Steel (2021-2026) Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering Queen's University, Kingston, ON |
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Erin Bertrand (2022-2027) Department of Biology Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS MEMBER Vittorio Maselli (2023-2028) Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS |